داستان آبیدیک

competitive condition


1 عمومی:: وضعیت رقابتی

This may concern products for which prices in various nations bear a known relation- ship, products that are standardized or graded according to accepted international stand- ards, products that normally flow from one country to another in accordance with market needs and competitive conditions - in short, products for which there is a recognizable international market. Sometimes competitive conditions evolve under which the needs of consumers are met adequately; but sometimes the needs and interests of consumers are subservient to the interest of sellers. First, different patterns are likely to cause development of different competitive conditions in different markets over time. Country attractiveness Competitive strength Market size Market share (total and segments) Marketing ability and capacity Market growth Product fit (total and segments) Contribution margin Market seasons and fluctuations Image Competitive conditions Technology position (concentration, intensity, entry barriers, etc.) In addition, an international marketing plan should include an analysis of the target market and the market environment, a financial analysis, and an evaluation of competitive conditions.

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